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MSM Contacts

Becky Piatt - Counselor
Phone: 907-761-3496
John Robertson - Teacher, English/Social Studies
Phone: 907-761-3497
Deborah Quinn -  Teacher, Math 
Phone: 907-761-3494  
Mailing Address:
Mat-Su College Campus
8295 East College Drive |  Palmer, AK 99645

Application Information

Welcome to Mat-Su Middle College

Thank you for your patience as we migrate content from our old website! 

Mat-Su Campus

Mat-Su Middle College School

Mat-Su Middle College School (MSMCS) is a partnership between the Mat-Su Borough School District (MSBSD), the University of Alaska (UAA), and the Mat-Su College (MSC) campus. This unique opportunity for high school juniors and seniors is located at the MSC campus. Applications for Fall 2025 enrollment open January 1, 2025, and must be completed by August 1, 2025 for incoming juniors and seniors. 
To learn more, watch a short video about students' experiences at our school.

 If you have questions not answered on this site, please call 907-761-3498 or 907 761-3495 email at

Mat-Su Middle College Headlines

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