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Test Dates and Sign Up

Admission Assessments - Accuplacer & ALEKS

The Mat-Su College (MSC) requires two assessments to determine your level of skill and which courses are the most appropriate for your enrollment. The two assessments are the  Accuplacer (English) and ALEKS (math).  A student must meet the minimum score requirement on the Accuplacer and/or ALEKS to be considered eligible for enrollment. Assessments are proctored on the Mat-Su College Campus. Please note that you must register to take the Mat-Su Middle College Placement Test to waive the assessment fee for Accuplacer & ALEKS.

Accuplacer may be taken 2 times per semester, with a proctor, on the Mat-Su College Campus. You must pre-register for the Accuplacer assessment.  The Accuplacer results allow a student to enroll in English classes as follows: 

  • 530 or Greater > WRTG A111- Writing Across Context
  • 519-529 > WRTG A111- Writing Across Context + WRTG A192 Accelerated Learning Lab (after taking the Accuplacer two times)
  • 518 or Less > High School English

The ALEKS benchmark score is 30. ALEKS may be taken up to 5 times per school year, with a proctor, on the Mat-Su College Campus. Between each ALEKS assessment attempt, a student must complete a three-hour tutorial tailored specifically to the student after the assessment. You must pre-register for the ALEKS.

Test with Mat-Su College Learning Resource Center

The Mat-Su  College offers a comprehensive testing calendar Monday through Friday. To register, sign up here: Mat-Su College Accuplacer and ALEKS Test Dates

Instructions for Completing the Mat-Su College Test Registration 

1) Choose Mat-Su Middle College Placement Tests

2) Choose Accuplacer or ALEKS for Middle College for Middle College

3) Choose an exam Accuplacer or ALEKS for Middle College

4) Choose a Date

5) Choose a Time

6) Complete who is taking the exam

7) Agree to the Exam guidelines acknowledgement   

*Complete one registration each for Accuplacer and ALEKS.   

*MSMCS applicant test fees are WAIVED. If you are asked to pay a test fee, please reread the instructions, start over or contact the MSMCS for instructions.

Please bring with you to the Accuplacer & ALEKS assessments:

Once your UA ID is established, you will receive an email from UA with information to create UA credentials and set a password. Please follow the instructions from the email in its entirety.


Test Day Information


TEST PREP for Accuplacer: